Month: August 2016

Apperley Bridge Marina- Open Day

Apperley Bridge Marina in West Yorkshire held a fantastic open day yesterday, to celebrate the bicentennial anniversary of the Leeds Liverpool canal. Kirsten Savage, my sister and wonderful cover artist for Pagan Portals: Celtic Witchcraft, joined me at a small small selling my book,… Continue Reading “Apperley Bridge Marina- Open Day”

Summer Adventures: Temple Newsam

Jim, Nathan and I made the most of the sun by heading down to Temple Newsam Home Farm in Leeds. Nathan befriended a sheep and was freaked out by the apiary, which I, conversely, found fascinating. We saw baby rabbits, squirrels and had a… Continue Reading “Summer Adventures: Temple Newsam”

By the Sea

Under windswept trees  I close my eyes  I am surrounded by the seas. Oceanic, Sweeping over Through  Beyond me. Beeches, No beaches But the waves are the same. White horses gallop Through my tired mind. I am surrounded by the seas. Rushing towards Blinkered… Continue Reading “By the Sea”