Month: September 2012


Sometimes I really struggle with being a forgiving person. In my formative years, I was a bit of a doormat and gave people chance after chance. Unfortunately some of those people, now no longer in my life, did not deserve those chances, and I… Continue Reading “Forgiveness”


It’s my Wednesday (Monday, urgh) again and it’s decidedly grey today. Grey sky, still heavy with rain- 60 hours of non stop rain since I returned from camp at the weekend. Rivers and becks and streams so swollen and people in fear for their… Continue Reading “Grey”


Time apart has not made the heart grow fonder; How could it? Nothing in the universe makes me love them more. They are the most precious The most beautiful The most vital in my life. The blood within my blood More essential than food,… Continue Reading “Homecoming”


The Celts are renowned more for their celebration of the “major” sabbats- Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasagh and Samhain. Yet nowadays even those of us following a Celtic based tradition tend to celebrate the inbetweeners- the “cross-quarter” festivals- the solstices and the equinoxes. They change slightly… Continue Reading “Equinox”


I’m going away for a few days, camping if you can believe it- camping in September, in England! Must be nuts. But honestly, we always go around this time of year, and it’s usually lovely. Weather aside, it’s really wonderful to have this time… Continue Reading “Holiday”


There’s a warm space inside all of us, soft and safe; no particular shape, but it’s probably curvy and if it was an object, it would feel just right to hold, like it was made for your hand. Sometimes this space is empty, and… Continue Reading “Happiness”

Music is happening…

Finally, thanks to the help of a friend, the PC is back in business and co-operating with me and this means it shouldn’t be too long before this CD is out. It’s called Laying it Down and that’s because there are tracks on here… Continue Reading “Music is happening…”

Is this a real blog? Is this just wafflety?

I’m a writer, so I decided I should have a blog. That’s what people do right? Record little snapshots of literal wonder at the world and lay them bare for people to go “ooh….ah…”…? I thought, this will keep the vernacular juices flowing even… Continue Reading “Is this a real blog? Is this just wafflety?”