Month: October 2016

The Wind Came At Night

Originally posted on Mabh Savage:
In the days of chilling blaze Springtime sun as winter fades Dazzling spears and green grass blades The gale the only blight. Driving out to picnics gay February turning into May Hearts and smiles throughout the day But the…

My Sacred Space

This is a small part of my sacred indoor space. This particular section is dedicated to the Morrigan, and at times Badb, Macha and Nemain. Sometimes they come together; sometimes they are one; sometimes they are separate beings. The skull reminds me of my… Continue Reading “My Sacred Space”

My Sacred Space

This is a small part of my sacred indoor space. This particular section is dedicated to the Morrigan, and at times Badb, Macha and Nemain. Sometimes they come together; sometimes they are one; sometimes they are separate beings. The skull reminds me of my… Continue Reading “My Sacred Space”

Feeding the Birds

Re-sharing for #mondayblogs as we’ve been feeding the birds more and more recently, now it’s becoming colder. We’ve also inadvertently been feeding the squirrels too. Read the original post here.

Alliteration Haiku

Alliteration Always and about adrift Apex aptly aced. #nationalpoetryday