Month: February 2015

Morgan Daimler: Fairy Witchcraft

Sometimes there are authors that as a reader, you just instantly connect with. Their words resonate with something deep within, and as you hop the stepping stones from page to page it is your own river you are crossing. Morgan Daimler is such an… Continue Reading “Morgan Daimler: Fairy Witchcraft”

Celtic Witchcraft Chapter 6: Wild Spirit

Click my lovely friend Crowley above to read the latest installment in my musings about Celtic magic. This month I have visited the animal kingdom, looking at our modern relationships with other creatures how our forebears may have seen them.

Haiku for Lugh

Bright poke in the eye From Lugh, golden in the blue; I reflect, moon like.

Write it out…

I saw a Nora Roberts quote the other day along the lines of You want to write? Then shut up and write. Stop messing about and write.  It’s great advice, yet procrastination seems to be the order of the day. I have two main projects on… Continue Reading “Write it out…”

Moon Books- Encountering Paganism through Pagan Authors

I should probably start with the disclaimer that Moon Books are my publisher, and as such I have a natural bias towards them. Becoming an author for Moon Books was incredibly exciting, as my book now sits alongside the likes of The Woven Word by Romany… Continue Reading “Moon Books- Encountering Paganism through Pagan Authors”

Lick the Sky

It’s Imbolc And I want to Lick the sky Those fiery stripes Must surely be As sweet as sunrise ice. The blackbird nods Tail bouncing on the wall Of a run down council house. The Honda Prelude that Cuts me up Is a square… Continue Reading “Lick the Sky”