Beltane Blogging

I noticed that I don’t tend to blog about Beltane?

I was puzzled by this as I always celebrate Beltane. Some years that’s a full blown ritual. Some years it’s quiet contemplation. The year Pagan Portals: Celtic Witchcraft was released, I took the hopes and wishes of those from my book launch and performed magic to help those dreams come true, using the energy from Beltane fires.

So why, when I look back on my previous writing, is there a conspicuous gap in May?

Maybe it’s because I’m so busy doing, I forget to record and share my experiences. This is a good thing, I suppose. It’s good to realise I’m walking the walk, as well as talking the talk! It’s made me realise, though, that there’s so much more I could be sharing with you, the faithful follower.

This could be my resolution for the best turn of the wheel: to share more of what I do, rather than just what I think about. This Beltane I am:

Cleaning altars and refreshing sacred spaces.

Having a quiet, personal ritual.

Talking sustainability at the Pagan Federation Online Beltane Green Festival.

Spending time in nature with my tribe.


How do you spend your Beltane? What would you like to know about Beltane?

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