Tag: online festival

Online Imbolc Festival!

Celebrate the coming season from the comfort of your own home! The Pagan Federation Online Imbolc Festival starts soon, intro at 11 am then full range of activities between 1 and 3 pm, all on Facebook so content will stay up all day too.… Continue Reading “Online Imbolc Festival!”

Online Beltane Green Festival!

Join in from the comfort of your own home! Saturday 4th May from 10.00 am. Check out the line-up:

The Path

This poem was written for Sue Dudley, one of the winners of a competition during the Pagan Federation Beltane Online Festival. Sue was happy for me to share the poem that she inspired. I just never got around to it until now! I am… Continue Reading “The Path”

Online Lughnasadh Festival

Ah Lughnasadh! The height of summer, a time of fun and games, the rise of the competitive spirit and a time to truly honour our ancestors, just as Lugh honoured his mother at this time. I could smell it this morning; that sweetness in… Continue Reading “Online Lughnasadh Festival”