Tag: disability

So I joined Patreon…

Like so many other creative types, I often struggle when it comes to ‘selling myself’ and due to anxiety, depression and some physical issues, ‘getting out there’ isn’t always an option. I know from lovely feedback on this blog (thanks all) that people do… Continue Reading “So I joined Patreon…”

Online Lughnasadh Festival

Ah Lughnasadh! The height of summer, a time of fun and games, the rise of the competitive spirit and a time to truly honour our ancestors, just as Lugh honoured his mother at this time. I could smell it this morning; that sweetness in… Continue Reading “Online Lughnasadh Festival”

Online Imbolc Festival 

Please come and join me and plenty of others at the Pagan Federation Online Imbolc Festival! There are talks by Jenny Luddington, Robin Herne, Alex Bear, Viviane, Debi Gregory, Andy Rycroft-Price and myself. I’ll be continuing my exploration into dealing with anxiety whilst being a… Continue Reading “Online Imbolc Festival “